Senator Warnock and Senate Democrats are gearing up to fight and win on voting rights legislation

It’s great to see Senate Democrats gearing up for the big fight to pass federal voting rights legislation in the new year. Senator Warnock is really letting Manchin and Sinema have it over their stonewalling on this issue. Warnock is doing in a way that’s diplomatic enough to give them room to save face by caving, but firm enough to make clear that he and the other Senate Democrats are not going to let them off the hook.

It’s also great that Rachel Maddow is using her show tonight to spell out that passing voting rights legislation is not a question of eliminating the filibuster (which would be much harder to pull off), it’s about exempting voting rights legislation from the filibuster. Much easier to pull off. Knowledge is power.

Now we must do our part by pressuring Manchin and Sinema to cave. Yes, the defeatists will loudly insist that it’ll never happen “no matter what.” But they said the same thing about infrastructure legislation, and they were proven wrong about that. Manchin and Sinema are lightweight pushovers who will cave to whichever side is squeezing them the hardest. Senate Democrats (the legitimate ones) are doing their part. We just have to do ours. Let’s fight and win in the new year.

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