Sean Hannity just stepped in it

It’s not often these days that I choose to write about Sean Hannity. After all, one always knows where to find the perpetually outraged talking head. He is not often newsworthy; only today he is. Today, Hannity made news because he told the truth for possibly the first time, EVER.
This calls for a celebration. Hannity, who inexplicably brings to mind The Jerry Seinfeld puffy shirt, was attempting to introduce a fox non-news colleague. That colleague is Greg Gutfeld another slime-bag, do-nothing, fake pundit.
The following story is real. These are not actors. (On second thought — they are actors.) This happened. It happened Wednesday night. As he was doing his hand-off to Gutfeld, Sean said the following: “Greg Gutfeld standing by to put a smile on your hate!!”
WHAT?! It was a slip of the tongue heard around the world. Twitter almost exploded with joy as this little funnel leisurely made it to the social media site.
“Hannity decoded Fox news for his viewers. Surely they liked the candor.”
“Sean Hannity, in the middle of a truth serum confession.”
“Amazing. Hannity told the truth.”
“Never was a more telling Freudian slip uttered.”
“Somewhere right now, hate is taking a bow.”
“Sometimes the truth slips out.”
“Fox news, ladies and gentlemen, fox news.”
” he said something true.”
Hannity quickly realized his mistake and tried to cover:
“On your face.”
Needless to say — it didn’t work.
‘We heard you, Sean!”
“Wow. You truly are an idiot.”
“It’s on the internet FOREVER.”
So, SUFFICE, to say this wasn’t Hannity’s week. Perhaps the news that Trump is trailing Biden in polls, has no money, has no campaign, and is going to prison will make him feel better.