Sean Hannity just can’t help himself

Sean Hannity is a sorrowful man. This is because no matter how much he plots and schemes, nothing seems to go his way. Hannity has been the codependent to Trump’s troubled soul many times in the last few years. It always ends the same.

Hannity has Trump on his show. He tries to gently steer the traitor into untroubled waters. However, the traitor ship refuses to follow Hannity’s lead. Then it does or says something so out there, everybody on board the ship sinks like rocks.

It is very funny to watch, and although I hate Fox-non-news, when Hannity interviews Trump, there is ALWAYS a huge chance the interview will go overboard, and without fail, it ALWAYS does. But the other day, Hannity did it again — only this time, his mansplaining had a different person in its periphery. That person is Taylor Swift.

Oh, God. Oh NO. You know, don’t you, where this is going? Hannity decided to speak to Ms. Swift through the TV, prompting this writer to shiver in delight at the upcoming news story that would be written. Here’s a little bit from Hannity. Read it and laugh:

“Does Taylor know who she is getting involved with here?”

“Does Taylor actually realize the Soroses? They’re huge donors to left-wing and democratic causes?”

“Does Taylor realize the guy that they want her to endorse is (various insults about Biden.)”

“He (Biden) is kind of very creepy.”

BIDEN is creepy?!!! Has Hannity ever LOOKED at the spaced-out specimen he is defending for FIVE SECONDS?

“Or maybe she just bought into all the lies about conservatives.”

“That they are racist and sexist and homophobic and xenophobic and Islamophobic?”

WOW! That was an excellent description of your own party, Hannity!

“Republicans and conservatives want dirty air and water, and a total ban on all abortions with no exceptions.”

Wow, Hannity, please don’t stop. Such an excellent summation of your own party.

“These talking points are simply untrue.”

Excellent speech, Hannity! Bravo! You put Marcus Tullius Cicero to shame with that one! Does Hannity REALLY think Taylor Swift will be watching Fox and hear him speak and jump up and say, “By golly, He’s right!”

You know, readers, Hannity loves the sound of his own voice so very much, he might just believe that. In the meantime, this was yet another Hannity ploy that will go nowhere. You’d think he’d stop trying after a while, but that’s Faux Non-news. Always trying to achieve the impossible.

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