Sean Hannity hits the panic button

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Even the worst cable news host, with the most gullible audience, has to worry about maintaining relative credibility with that audience. Sean Hannity is the worst cable news host, and he surely has the most gullible audience. But even he knows that certain developments on his side of the political fence make his side look tremendously bad โ€“ and could end up costing his hero Donald Trump the election.

There are few things more jarring than the sight of armed “protesters” storming into capitol buildings and public places, waving around assault rifles, and demanding that the government change the law. Most people โ€“ even most gun owners โ€“ see this as a form of terrorism, as anyone waving a gun and demanding to get their way is doing it wrong.

Yet these kinds of “protests” are playing out across the country, and everyone can see that the idiots waving the guns are all on the side of Donald Trump. This is so potentially damaging to Trump, even Sean Hannity is sounding the alarm, and essentially begging these goons to stop their armed antics:


Meanwhile, Donald Trump seems to have no understanding that he needs to distance himself from these armed idiots who are trying to take democracy hostage. After Trump tweeted “LIBERATE MICHIGAN” awhile back, he recently tweeted that these armed insurgents were “good people.” Trump is still focused on his extremist base, even if he alienates everyone else in the process, even though poll numbers make it painfully clear that he can’t win in 2020 with his base alone.

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