Sea change

The sea is never still. It ebbs and flows, swirling and stormy one moment and calm and tranquil the next. Such is the same in politics. One moment things may look dire, even hopeless, but the next — things reshuffle themselves, and the political ship is righted once again.

And there has been a sea change as of late in politics. Polls show that one voting block, in particular, is preparing to get the vote in huge numbers. The voting group causing the sea change is black women. Black women have always been a complex group to predict. But in the midterms of 2022, if polling is to be trusted, a sea change is occurring. Black women are shown to be among the most highly motivated voting blocs.

In a poll done by NBC News by Change Research polling, a majority of black women said they were more motivated to vote now than before, with almost 80% saying they are “extremely worried” about specific issues.

Some of those issues include health care, reproductive rights, and housing costs. Black women also say in this poll that they feel underrepresented. This group leans heavily Democratic. This bloc also accounts for almost 55% of the eligible black voters.

Higher Heights Leadership Fund commissioned the poll. This poll was conducted recently, September 29 – October 4, with a margin of error of plus or minus four percentage points.

If this is true, then we are looking at a sea change among black women. And these women have played pivotal roles in the past regarding elections. Will they come out this November? I hope so, and I think they will. And this poll is very encouraging in that regard.

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