SCOTUS just barely got one right

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I’ve said before that when it comes to the current Supreme Court, which way it’s going to rule on most issues is anyone’s guess. This Supreme Court’s rulings are as extremist as they are corrupt as they are inconsistently and incoherently weird. Why has this court ruled so wrongly on abortion, for instance, only to turn around and rule correctly on racial gerrymandering?

So it was anyone’s guess when the Supreme Court handed down a ruling today on whether the federal government was allowed to remove razor wire that the state of Texas had cruelly installed on the Mexican border. As it turns out, SCOTUS ruled in favor of the federal government – but only by the narrowest of margins.

The kicker is that the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution makes very clear that the federal government had a right to do this, so the vote should have been easy and unanimous. But you never know how these clowns are going to vote. As I’ve said, whenever this Supreme Court hands us a win here and there, all we can do is take it – even as we work to expand the court and end this nonsense.

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