Score another one for President Biden

Despite the hurdles he’s faced with SCOTUS, President Biden has still managed to get a sizable amount of student loan debt canceled for borrowers, or significant decreases on their monthly payments.

He has already canceled $146 billion worth of student loan debt from four million borrowers, but now he’s taking things a step further, with plans to cancel up to $20,000 of unpaid loans, regardless of the borrower’s income if they started to make repayments any time in the last 20 years. In addition, they’re taking steps to assist borrowers to pay back high amounts of debt and reversing the ineligibility of some borrowers who were once unable to receive financial help.

All too often in an election year, we hear the phrase “the lesser of two evils.” It’s misleading and always has been – and this is just one area that serves as an example. Donald Trump has been threatening to eliminate this program entirely – and essentially the Dept. of Education as well if he’s elected president in November, which means that any other Republican with the nomination would essentially threaten to do the same, with a Republican-led Senate and House doing nothing for student loan borrowers and essentially bragging that they wouldn’t bother to.

There’s no comparison between the two parties and there hasn’t been for some time. This is just another reason why we need to reelect President Biden, flip the House and keep the Senate on Nov 5.

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