Score another one for Joe Biden

While the GOP has spent the last two years presenting Joe Biden as being soft on China, all but accusing him of being a puppet for that authoritarian nation to the degree that the former guy was doing the bidding of the Kremlin, the fact is that President Biden has not only stood up to China in a way that Donald Trump never would, but the media barely covered it.

Already halfway into his first term, it’s clear that the president has made bolder steps in America’s trade war against China than Trump ever did in four years.

A new set of federal rules being rolled out this winter will target China’s high tech industry, primarily their ability to manufacture computer chips while also creating federal authority to monitor U.S. investments in the country – the first of its kind. A subsequent executive order will also limit the amount of data Chinese apps will be able to collect from American users.

While the Trump administration largely used rhetoric against China (that was also typically racist), they never really implemented a coherent strategy for dealing with the country – or established an incentive to give American jobs and growth a competitive edge. We’ve already had a strong recovery and we’re going to see the economy grow even stronger under President Biden’s watch.

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