Donald Trump gives away just how scared he is of what Don McGahn is about to do to him

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Democratic House leaders have made two things clear. First they’re going to bring in Robert Mueller and his key cooperators to publicly testify about Donald Trump’s crimes in front of a live national television audience. Second, if this testimony leads to a scenario where impeaching Donald Trump is appropriate, they’re going to do it – even if they’re not using that word yet. One of those key cooperating witnesses is Don McGahn.

This week the House Judiciary Committee formally subpoenaed Don McGahn in order to give him legal cover to turn over relevant documents and testify in unencumbered fashion. Trump is trying to block the move, but that effort won’t go anywhere. McGahn had a front row seat to Trump’s felony obstruction of justice antics, and he’s soon going to spell it all out for the TV cameras. How bothered is Trump by this?

Check out this surreal Twitter meltdown from Trump today: “As has been incorrectly reported by the Fake News Media, I never told then White House Counsel Don McGahn to fire Robert Mueller, even though I had the legal right to do so. If I wanted to fire Mueller, I didn’t need McGahn to do it, I could have done it myself. Nevertheless, Mueller was NOT fired and was respectfully allowed to finish his work on what I, and many others, say was an illegal investigation (there was no crime), headed by a Trump hater who was highly conflicted, and a group of 18 VERY ANGRY Democrats. DRAIN THE SWAMP!”

There’s so much wrong here, we’re not sure where to start. Don McGahn took contemporaneous notes documenting that Donald Trump did order him to fire Robert Mueller. Trump never had any legal right to fire Mueller, despite his claims. The perfectly legal investigation uncovered dozens of felonies, including at least ten committed by Trump himself. But the real upshot here is that Trump is scared to death of what McGahn is about to do to him. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be foaming at the mouth about McGahn’s upcoming testimony.

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