Samuel Alito caught in the act

Hi it's Bill Palmer. I need your help! Please contribute $5 or more to help with Palmer Reportโ€™s ongoing operating expenses: Donate Here.

There was a time when the nightmare was real for women — even worse than things are now — much worse. That was the time when pitchforks and cackling mobs were real. That was the time when any woman could be declared a witch, and if she was, terror would follow.

It’s hard to believe those times ever existed. It’s also hard to believe we have one Supreme Court Judge whom, I suspect, would like to go back to those times. The stuffy and vile Judge I speak of is one Samuel Alito. It’s imperative that we always remember what he did to women. And not only did he write the opinion overturning Roe, but he also quoted an ancient Judge — a Judge who believed in women as witches and let that be known.

It is not surprising one thinks about it. I know the focus has been on Clarence Thomas, but I, for one, think Alito is far more dangerous. Any man that uses the type of speech he has indulged in is an enemy to woman.

And now the abortion pill case might be going to the Supreme Court. I, for one, think we stand a good chance of winning. Sure, the court is crazy, but I think it might not be too difficult to peel away two conservative Justices to side with the liberals. We’ll see.

One who will NOT be peeled away is Alito. We already know exactly how he will vote. He’s told us as much in his rulings and actions. Only some of his words are coming back now to bite him in his witchy butt.

“The FDA has the benefit of the long view.” These words come from a ruling by Justices Roberts, Scalia, and Alito himself back in 2009. This case was Wyeth v. Levine if you’d like to look it up.

Alito also weighed in on a case in Maryland in 2020, where he “expressed incredulity that a district court judge in Maryland took it upon himself to overrule the FDA on the question of drug safety.” Oops!

So you see, Alito has been caught in the act. We already KNOW the witch doctor’s feelings about this subject. He even says — the FDA has the benefit of the doubt. So it will be quite interesting if this case gets to the extreme court to see how Alito lands and, if it isn’t the way it should be, see the hollow way he justifies it.

Hi it's Bill Palmer. I need your help! Please contribute $5 or more to help with Palmer Reportโ€™s ongoing operating expenses: Donate Here.