Same shit different day

Today I received a VERY angry email. The person who sent it was raging. They were alarmed at what they viewed as “an assault on democracy.” They asked me if I was with them. They said they hoped that I was. And then they asked me for money. They signed this email, “For America.” Speaker Kevin McCarthy

The House non-Speaker is becoming unglued. “I cannot believe this is actually happening!’ wrote Kevin (or one of his assistants.) Yes, the republican histrionics are alive and well. The whole party is melting down over Donald Trump’s indictment. Kevin is just one of them.

Take, for example, Gym Jordan of George Clooney documentary fame. Jordan issued a subpoena to former Manhattan District Attorney’s office Prosecutor Mark Pomerantz. The letter was arrogant, bullying, and pure Gym.

The Republican party’s decision to stand behind their prison man is going to cost them. Their abnormal worldviews are already costing them. In the meantime, Trump is going absolutely nuts calling for defunding the FBI and the DOJ.

What all this means is that the GOP is still the party of Donald Trump. They literally can talk of nothing else. And it’s going to cost them come to the 2024 elections.

So far, the House of Representatives, under the leadership of Marjorie Taylor Greene, has accomplished nothing. The Republican hearings have landed with a thud. It does seem everything the GOP does these days lands with a resounding thud of “nothing to see here.”

So as we go forward, the GOP appears less competent than ever, doing nothing literally except offering various preposterous defenses of Donald Trump. Same shit, different day.

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