Ivanka Trump is knee deep in the Trump Russia scandal after all – and Robert Mueller has her emails

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It’s been an open question as the Trump-Russia scandal has unfolded. Why did Donald Trump send his idiot son Donald Trump Jr to handle some of the dirty work with Russia during the election, instead of relying on Ivanka Trump, who is comparatively smarter and more capable? After all, Ivanka has spearheaded the trickiest Trump Organization deals over the years. Was she just trying to keep her hands clean on Trump-Russia? As it turns out, not so much.

During the election Ivanka Trump helped connect Michael Cohen with a Russian in the hope of furthering the Trump Tower Moscow real estate project, according to emails obtained and reviewed by BuzzFeed. Why is this so important? As BuzzFeed points out, these emails don’t necessarily depict any crime, and they don’t directly tie Ivanka to the election rigging plot. But here’s the thing: they don’t have to.

The one thing we’ve learned from the unfolding Trump-Russia scandal is that when there’s smoke, there’s fire. These emails alone certainly aren’t going to get Ivanka indicted. But there’s always more. Now we know that Ivanka was willing to act as a facilitator between Michael Cohen and Russia during the election, which means she was willing to get her hands dirty on Russia after all. Remember when we first learned that Donald Trump Jr met with a Russian lawyer about adoption? That eventually turned into Trump Jr meeting with Russian government representatives to try to get dirt on Hillary Clinton. These initial reports are always just the beginning.

So now we know where to dig when it comes to Ivanka Trump. If she was willing to connect Cohen to the Russians, and she was willing to do it in writing, it’ll probably turn out that she was also comfortable doing far worse Trump-Russia things in writing. If one or more of them was illegal, she’ll be indicted and arrested after all. By the way, BuzzFeed says that Robert Mueller already has the Ivanka emails in question – thus confirming that he has in fact been investigating her. Does anyone think he won’t dig deeper?

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