Donald Trump’s Rudy-Ukraine scandal takes an even uglier turn

Last month Donald Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani conspired with a rogue Ukraine prosecutor to manufacture a phony scandal about Trump’s 2020 opponent Joe Biden. The New York Times ran a ridiculous article which gave credibility to the phony scandal, but then thankfully the rest of the mainstream media quickly exposed it for the phony scandal that it was. Now the whole thing has taken a disturbingly ugly turn.

The bogus New York Times article was listed as having been written “by Kenneth P. Vogel and Iuliia Mendel.” Why is that a problem? Today, Iuliia Mendel posted this tweet: “Thanks everyone for your congratulations. There were 4000 applications. It is a big honor and big responsibility to become a spokesperson for the President of Ukraine @ZelenskyyUa. The Administration will be as transparent as possible.Let’s start today 4pm.”

That’s right, one of the two New York Times authors who promoted the phony Biden-Ukraine scandal has now taken a job as the spokesperson for the President of Ukraine. Are you kidding? There’s no known evidence that any of this was prearranged on the part of anyone involved – but it raises so many ugly questions. Was this author seeking the Ukraine government job at the time she co-wrote the article? If so, was the New York Times aware? Again, this particular NY Times article was the only instance of a respected major news outlet giving any credence to the phony Biden-Ukraine scandal.

In any case, this was already an ugly scandal for Rudy Giuliani and Donald Trump – and now it’s taken an even uglier turn. Precisely how far did Rudy go to try to manufacture this phony narrative about Ukraine and Joe Biden? And after the President of Ukraine emphatically shut down the entire nonsense, why is he suddenly rewarding one of the few people who helped give credence the phony scandal about his country to begin with?

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