Rudy Giuliani has completely berserk meltdown after he gets terrible news

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For the past few days, Rudy Giuliani has been using his semi-coherent tweets and media appearances to alternately claim that he either does or does not want to testify before the House impeachment inquiry about his role in Donald Trump’s Ukraine scandal. As it turns out, his bluff just got called – and he’s not taking it particularly well.

Rudy Giuliani had gone all day today without tweeting anything or talking to the media. It’s unclear if he finally burned himself out or if Donald Trump muzzled him. Either way, late this afternoon the news broke that the House is subpoenaing Rudy. That means he can either cooperate in the hope of a reduced prison sentence, or he can refuse to cooperate and essentially bet his life on getting a pardon from an increasingly erratic and unstable Trump.

We’re still not sure what Rudy will decide to do, but it sure did cause him to perk up. After receiving the subpoena, Giuliani initially began ranting incoherently about how the fake Biden scandal somehow goes all the way back to 2015, and demanding to know why then-President Obama didn’t do anything to rein in Biden’s imaginary backdoor deals.

Then it seemed like someone stuck Rudy Giuliani with an elephant tranquilizer, and minutes later he posted this surprisingly coherent tweet: “I have received a subpoena signed only by Democrat Chairs who have prejudged this case. It raises significant issues concerning legitimacy and constitutional and legal issues including,inter alia, attorney client and other privileges. It will be given appropriate consideration.” But his initial Obama-Biden tweets tells us where his headspace is really at.

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