Rudy Giuliani shoots off his mouth and screws up Donald Trump’s last ditch secret plan

The only thing more certain than the fruitlessness of Donald Trump’s latest secret plan to save himself is his attorney Rudy Giuliani’s ability to screw it up by blabbing about it in advance. It just happened again. Trump’s new plan is pretty stupid to begin with, yet now it has even less chance of working, because Rudy just handed Special Counsel Robert Mueller the playbook.

Rudy Giuliani is still under the delusion that Robert Mueller came out of retirement and did all this work just to file a report with Congress and then go home. That’s, how can we say it, chuckle-worthy. Rudy has already floated the idea of releasing his own counter-report aimed at discrediting Mueller, seemingly under the premise that the fate of the nation is going to come down to dueling book reports. Now that Rudy’s idea of a counter-report has been widely scoffed at, he’s moving on to giving away the next part of the plan.

Giuliani is now publicly revealing that he and Donald Trump plan to try to block Robert Mueller from publicly releasing his report, according to a new report from The New Yorker. There is little reason to believe that Trump can stop Mueller from doing this, as Mueller could simply hand out copies of his report to major media outlets while Trump is asleep. But even if this harebrained idea had any chance of working, it would have required secrecy. Now that Rudy has blabbed about it, Mueller can adjust his strategy accordingly, in order to prevent Trump from succeeding.

The remarkable part here is that we still don’t know precisely what Robert Mueller’s endgame strategy is. There is no law that says Mueller can’t indict Trump while he’s still in office, and there is no “sixty day rule” ahead of the November elections. No matter how many times Rudy Giuliani references these things, they’re still just customs, and there is no reason to expect someone as aggressive as Mueller to be polite about how he takes Trump down. In any case, Mueller now knows to protect against Trump’s “secret” strategy to block him from releasing his report publicly. Thanks Rudy!

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