Rudy Giuliani’s arraignment is a dumpster fire

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Insanity has broken free from the barn in Arizona and galloped far, far away. The Arizona indicted fake electors pleaded not guilty on Tuesday for their role in the attempted heist of democracy. Disgraced former Mayor Rudy Giuliani was one of these people.

If you remember, Rudy had taunted the people attempting to serve him with the indictment, boasting about how smart he is. Right after that, these people promptly served him, proving how stupid Rudy is. So yes, on Tuesday, Rudy, Kelli Ward, Christina Bobb, and others were arraigned. However, they did not go quietly into court. On the contrary, all hell broke loose.

Prosecutors described to the judge how uncooperative Rudy had been in terms of getting served. Rudy protested, saying the indictments were a “complete embarrassment.” What a comedown! Rudy’s fall appears to be complete from being a beloved (never by THIS writer) New York Mayor to almost going on the lam and starting fights with Judges.

Then things got even worse. The judge lost patience with the sniveling coward and actually threatened to mute him. “I don’t want to have to mute you.” My gosh, Rudy is dumb. It would seem that this is because of his association with Donald Trump.

The Trump disease sure seems to be some sort of blood-sucking scummy virus passed quickly from criminal to criminal. Rudy’s spokesperson said in a statement that his client looks forward to “complete vindication.” That is not going to happen.

So, on Tuesday, everything was NOT quiet on the western front, at least as far as stinking criminals and fake-electors were concerned.

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