Rudy Giuliani panics and gives something away after learning Don McGahn flipped on Donald Trump a long time ago

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Based on their reactions today, suffice it to say that neither Donald Trump nor Rudy Giuliani reads Palmer Report. If they did, they’d have known ten months ago that White House Counsel Don McGahn had begun fully cooperating with Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Instead their reactions give away that they didn’t see this coming. Giuliani’s reaction in particular is quite telling.

Here’s what Rudy Giuliani came up with while babbling tonight on Fox News: “They can’t prove it, and they are trying to get the president to testify. And they are hoping that if they put out a story like this in which they suggest that McGhan is cooperating against him, but don’t say it … that [Trump will] want to come in and explain himself. The president wants to testify. The president wants to be open and transparent. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have encouraged thirty witnesses, including McGhan, to testify.”

To be clear, there is no evidence that Donald Trump actually encouraged any of his own people to testify to Robert Mueller. At best, he simply sat back and didn’t try to stop them. Further, there is no possible way that Trump knowingly signed off on his own White House Counsel spending ten months handing over proof that Trump has been committing felony obstruction of justice. But Rudy may actually be onto something here, if perhaps only by accident.

As we said, the proof has been publicly out there for ten months that Don McGahn had flipped on Donald Trump. Why did the New York Times finally decide to write this story today? Someone on the inside asked them to. It could theoretically be McGahn himself, but that makes no logical sense. It could be Trump, but his strategy isn’t generally that sophisticated. And Rudy could be right: it could be that Mueller pitched this story to the Times today, because he wanted Trump to realize he’s been cornered. Stay tuned.

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