Rudy Giuliani just forfeited

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When Rudy Giuliani made a civil court filing awhile back where he incoherently appeared to confess that he had made false statements about Georgia election workers, it felt like he was basically trying to forfeit the case. The judge gave him a chance to clarify what he was actually confessing to, but his followup filing was even more incoherent.

Today the judge used Giuliani’s idiotic filings as a basis for finding him liable in the civil case. The penalties assigned today were comparatively small, but could get much bigger by the time the case gets to conclusion. The upshot is that Giuliani has now already lost the case even before it’s over, because he’s that much of a screw-up.

Whenever Trump world’s most notorious idiots make yet another stupid and self defeating legal move, it always leads to the question of why. At that point I’m content to go with a simple answer: they’re idiots.

I don’t mean that in a glib way. What I mean is that ever since Trump’s henchmen got sucked into crazed conspiracy theories about the 2020 election, they haven’t been able to function. They can’t make a coherent decision, or even necessarily speak a coherent sentence. 2020 broke their brains. Ever since then, their behavior has been incoherently stupid. Even if there is some failed logical pattern behind these kinds of decisions, it’s not producing results that are any different than if they were randomly flinging poo at the wall, so why bother trying to parse it? It’s the same end result.

It’ll be interesting to see if Rudy Giuliani ends up handing his criminal case(s) in the same incoherently self defeating manner. It’s one thing to incoherently forfeit a civil case. It’s a whole other thing to incoherently forfeit a criminal case โ€“ which puts you in prison.[mashshare shares=”false” buttons=”true” align=”left” services=”3″ size=”small”]

Hi it's Bill Palmer. I need your help! Please contribute $5 or more to help with Palmer Reportโ€™s ongoing operating expenses: Donate Here.