Rudy Giuliani just can’t help himself

There was a fascinating article in the Washington Post about Rudy Giuliani. The article explained that Rudy lacks one critical personality trait, which led to his current predicament. Rudy lacks “the fear gene.”

Most of us have this fear gene. When, for example, we’re driving and a squirrel or dog darts out in front of us, we get scared of hitting it. So we swerve — or do something to try to avoid it — unless, of course, one is a sadist.

But some people do not scare. And this article suggests Rudy might be one of them. And it talks about the “flip side” of fear which is recklessness. Recklessness can cause a lot of pain — to oneself and other people. If one does not look before one leaps, the result can often be disastrous.

This lack of a fear gene might be why Rudy continues to flirt with danger, putting himself in bizarre positions which he could avoid by simply keeping his mouth shut. That might be why Rudy went bonkers this past week and demanded President Biden be tried for “crimes against humanity.”

During his radio show, Rudy accused Democrats of being liars who lied about the insurrection and the search at Mar-A-Lago. Wow! So much lying. Rudy singled out a few people like the imaginary group “Antifa.” Then he said this: “Joe Biden, you run this place like this is a damn dictatorship, and you should be tried for crimes against humanity.”

Maybe it was the lack of a fear gene talking. Rudy is getting himself into a deeper hole the more he spouts off with verbal garbage. This is a man who is VERY close to being indicted. But if he lacks the fear gene, he would not know enough to be afraid.

It is just plain sad what the Trump malignancy has done to people like Rudy. These people have thrown away once promising lives for a deranged cult leader who likely never gives them a second thought except when he needs to move them around like little chess pieces to suit his needs. And THAT should scare Mr. Giuliani very much.

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