Rudy Giuliani has midnight meltdown as his deadline comes and goes

Remember back when Rudy Giuliani first joined Donald Trump’s criminal defense team back in April, and initially claimed that he could bring an end to the entire Trump-Russia investigation within two weeks? Everyone is still laughing about that one. But after Rudy settled in a bit, he then claimed that he could get this all finished by September 1st. In fact he claimed he was working with Robert Mueller toward this date. That’s today. Let’s just say that Rudy isn’t doing too well now that his deadline has been blown.

Just after midnight eastern time, six minutes after his self proclaimed deadline came and went, Rudy Giuliani jumped on Twitter and began ranting. For instance he tweeted this gem: “CNN is well known as a virulent anti-Trump Fake News Network(FNN).” Then he posted this, which is an entirely incorrect version of what actually transpired between Michael Cohen’s attorney Lanny Davis and CNN: “Davis is covering for Cohen as he should. Davis did right thing in recanting. Davis has more integrity than CNN. They want to get Trump at the cost of their ever diminishing reputation.”

In reality Davis was only one of CNN’s sources for the story, so after Davis partially backed down from his claims, it didn’t make the CNN story any less legitimate, which is why CNN hasn’t needed to retract anything. Of course this is all just nonsense. The real story here is that Rudy Giuliani is up and ranting, just as his mythical September 1st deadline has come and gone.

Back when Rudy Giuliani was claiming in May that the Trump-Russia investigation would magically end on September 1st, he also claimed that he could convince Donald Trump to testify for Mueller by June. To date, Trump is still doing everything he can to avoid testifying. This is probably a smart move, considering that Trump would probably confess to several felonies and get caught committing perjury during the course of such an interview. But for some reason, Rudy is still adamant about trying to make it happen.

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