Ron Johnson gets caught in the act

Politics is an emotional passion to have. When we don’t win or a bill doesn’t go through, or we suffer a political disappointment — it hurts. Badly. But laughter is the soothing balm that heals the soul. And there is often later in politics. I am about to tell you a story that I do hope will evoke a full-bodied laugh from many of you.
It concerns Wisconsin soon-to-be ex-Senator, Ron Johnson. As you know, Senator Johnson is in a bad way. He was implicated in the January 6 testimony. During the testimony, it was revealed that Johnston’s Chief of Staff had texted a Pence assistant offering up an alternative slate of electors for Donald Trump.
Reporters have not stopped trying to talk with Johnson ever since. And Johnson does not seem to WANT to talk to them. What could he say? The Senator looks like a fool. So reporters managed to corner Johnson as he walked away from the Capitol. They began to pepper him with questions. Only Johnson seemed to busy to talk.
That is because he held a cell phone to his ear. Johnson was on the phone. OK. I can see that. And to whom was he speaking? The answer is — nobody. It was the case of the phantom caller. Johnson had nobody on the other line, it appeared. Not a bad way to hide if you can pull it off! Johnson could not.
Let’s set the scene. We have Frank Thorp, a reporter for NBC. We have Manu Raju, a reporter for CNN. We have Senator Johnson. We have one cell phone. Let the show begin. Thorp: “How much did you know about what your chief-of-staff was doing with the alternate slate of electors?”
Johnson — “I’m on the phone right now.” Thorp– No, you’re not. I can see your screen.” Caught in the act! The cell phone had betrayed him.
Rachel Maddow reported on this on her show and laughed so hard that I was afraid she might get a case of the hiccups. I did. And the moral of this story? Ron Johnson, Senator of Wisconsin, is an awful liar.