Ron DeSantis’ international tour is as much of a disaster as his national rollout

It seems incredible to report this, and it’s extremely difficult to believe. Still, it must be spoken about. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who is hard work visiting different countries in an attempt to look presidential, is speaking out.

And what is he talking about while on these trips? Disney! Yes, it’s true. The Florida governor, while in Japan, while in Israel, is talking about Disney. Truth to tell, I’m getting a little worried about DeSantis. His obsession with the Mouse seems kind of unhealthy. Perhaps he could ask someone to recommend a good therapist instead of running for president.

DeSantis is trying to look like he has foreign policy chops. Thus he jets off to other countries to schmooze with leaders and hope fervently that many cameras are taking his picture.

Only he can’t shut up about the mouse. DeSantis appears a man obsessed. No matter where Ron is, he feels compelled to talk about the Mouse. It’s sort of like somebody in love talking about the person they fell for. DeSantis is chattering on and on about Mickey and shows no sign of ever being able to stop.

Ron is declaring that Disney’s lawsuit against him is purely political, which elicited many a belly laugh from many on social media who are convinced that the Floridian governor is indeed insane.

Hey Mickey! Says DeSantis in the United States.

Hey Mickey! Says DeSantis in Japan.

Hey Mickey! Says DeSantis in Israel.

Hey Mickey! Ron DeSantis probably says this in his dreams as he tosses around, late at night.

Hey Mickey! Many on social media are chanting as they watch with amusement how one single adorable, mischievous Mouse has single-handedly brought down one of the worst governors of all time. Hey Mickey!

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