Roger Stone is pulling your leg

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In a newly uncovered recording, Roger Stone claims that he, Donald Trump, and other Trump allies have already magically locked up the 2024 election for Trump. Stone claims that certain judges and court rulings are going to hand the presidency to Trump no matter what. This recording has set off a panic. But that was the entire point.

Donald Trump is a senile convicted felon who’s rapidly losing support in the polls. Roger Stone is a has-been who hasn’t been relevant for years. Most key Trump world figures are in prison, or too busy trying to fight off prison and/or bankruptcy, to have any remaining impact on politics. They’re all washed up. And they only have one thing still going for them: you.

For as long as Trump and his people have been at this – heck, for as long as Roger Stone has been at this, which dates back fifty years – Republican political leaders have relied on one consistent strategy. They announce beforehand that they’re going to win no matter what. Then they rely on the most gullible people on our side to start yelling “Oh no, the Republicans have already rigged the next election,” which in turn prompts others to not bother to vote. Who bothers to go out and vote for their preferred candidate when they’re being told that the other side is going to win no matter what?

Republicans like Roger Stone are going to keep using this tactic for as long as gullible rubes on our side keep falling for it. As long as the Republicans can goad people on our side into yelling “Oh no, the other side is going to win no matter what,” they’re going to keep doing it. And why not? The easiest way to gain an advantage in any election is to get the other side to convince itself that there’s no point in voting.

So please, stop taking the bait. If you’re hearing Roger Stone make the laugh out loud baseless claim that he and Trump already have the 2024 election locked up no matter what, and you’re going around repeating that claim, then you’re the problem. You’re the one telling people on your own side that there’s no point in voting.

The proper response to Roger Stone’s claim is to laugh in his face and call him out for being washed up and powerless – and then you should go out and do some phone banking and register some people to vote.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report