Robert Mueller has had enough of Roger Stone’s crap

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For the past couple weeks, Roger Stone has been actively flirting with violating his gag order. But neither Judge Amy Berman Jackson nor Special Counsel Robert Mueller seemed to have any interest in revoking his bail over it – until now. The judge threw down the gauntlet on Friday, and now Mueller has something to say about it as well.

On Friday, Judge Jackson filed an order demanding to know by today why Roger Stone didn’t tell her that he has a new book coming out about the criminal case against him. At the time, Palmer Report and others pointed out that Stone was likely also going to get in trouble for a self-deleting Instagram post he made that same day, in which he claimed he was framed. Sure enough, Robert Mueller decided to weigh in today with a court filing of his own.

Mueller’s filing this evening specifically pointed to Stone’s “Who Framed Roger Stone” posting on Instagram, which was done in the style of the movie “Who Framed Roger Rabbit.” Interestingly, Mueller didn’t specifically ask the judge to revoke Stone’s bail over this. But the filing alone, particularly regarding a violation that goes beyond what the judge was already considering, makes clear that Mueller is trying to push the judge in the direction of changing Stone’s current bail status.

There are three ways the judge can go with this. She can leave things as they are, or she can place Roger Stone under house arrest through the end of his trial, or she can place him in jail through the end of his trial. We don’t know what she’ll do, and it’s entirely at her discretion. But Robert Mueller’s filing today just made it a whole lot easier for her to justify locking Stone up.

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