RNC bottoms out financially, seeks line of credit

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Of late we’ve been seeing a consistent trend where Joe Biden has been massively out-fundraising Donald Trump, and the Democratic National Committee has been massively out-fundraising the Republican National Committee. Throw in questions about just how much of the RNC’s money might be going in the direction of Trump’s legal troubles, and you have to wonder just how bad off the RNC is.

Well, wonder no more. The RNC has bottomed out so badly, it’s now preparing to hold a vote to authorize a line of credit. No really, a line of credit. This is one of the two major political parties in the world’s richest democracy, and thanks to Trump, the party is now seeking a line of credit.

This is of course totally fitting. Donald Trump has spent his entire life running his own businesses into the ground. Then he ran the nation into the ground when he was in office. Why wouldn’t he run his own political party into the ground? The Republican Party won’t be functional on any level until Trump is gone. And at this rate the party may not even be able to keep the lights on.

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