Desperate Donald Trump resorts to retweeting President Obama

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Donald Trump has spent his illegitimate presidency revealing in one instance after another that he’s insanely jealous of President Barack Obama. You see, Obama is respected, beloved, smart, and accomplished, and Trump is none of the above. Trump keeps trying to dismantle Obama’s accomplishments out of pure spite, which has only served to further wreck his own failed presidency. Now Trump is trying a far weirder tactic.

Donald Trump, who could be weeks away from ouster and months away from going to prison, has bet what little he has left on the same issue that his campaign began with: blatant racism. He’s shut down the government to try to get his racist border wall funded. He’s continuing to hold immigrant kids hostage in concentration camps, even as these kids have begun dying. Of course this only excites his scumbag base, and it’s motivated the vast majority of Americans to want him ousted. So Trump tried shaking things up.

Seven and a half years ago, President Obama tweeted this: “I strongly believe that we should take on, once and for all, the issue of illegal immigration.” Of course he was referring to providing conditional amnesty and solving the problem in a sane way. Donald Trump decided to retweet Obama, adding his own words: “I totally agree!”

What a psychopath. This is like a firefighter saying he’s going to do something about a burning house, meaning he’s going to try to put out the fire, and then an arsonist saying “I totally agree” and then pouring gasoline on the fire. Donald Trump clearly wants to be remembered by history as one of the most deranged monsters who ever lived. The only solace is that his ouster will come soon, and he’ll then spend the rest of his life in a cage.

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