The Michael Cohen just resigned from the RNC in protest of Donald Trump. Here’s what’s really going on.

Donald Trump’s longtime fixer Michael Cohen has just resigned from his position as Deputy Finance Chair of the Republican National Committee. In his resignation letter, Cohen cited his opposition to Donald Trump’s policy of separating immigrant children from their parents and locking them in cages. Of course there’s a whole lot more going on here with Cohen’s resignation.

To be clear, we’re not doubting Michael Cohen’s sincerity when he says that, as the son of a Holocaust survivor, he can’t stand to watch what Trump is doing to these families. That doesn’t sound like the kind of thing he’d say if he didn’t truly believe it. But take a look at what else is going on today. Even as ABC News is reporting Cohen’s resignation from the RNC in protest of Trump, the Wall Street Journal is reporting that Cohen is furious at Trump for not paying his legal bills.

This comes even as ABC and CNN are reporting that Cohen is looking to cut a plea deal, and as NBC reports that the Feds have told Cohen that he’s just days away from arrest if he doesn’t cut a deal. There are a lot of moving parts here. It’s somewhat surprising that the RNC hasn’t yet fired Cohen, considering the legal trouble he’s facing. Perhaps Trump told the RNC to keep Cohen on board, for fear of alienating him.

In any case, Donald Trump is out on a limb with his child concentration camps, and it’s made him more politically vulnerable than ever. Michael Cohen is making a point of publicly stabbing at Trump on this issue, and that can be taken as a sign that Cohen has decided to definitively distance himself from Trump in the eyes of all observers. Maybe he’s siding with the kids because he’s trying to gain sympathy from an eventual jury trial. But we think this is yet another sign that Cohen has made up his mind to cut a deal against Trump, and he’s closing one door at a time.

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