Republicans really thought they were going to get away with this one

In politics, it becomes all too tempting to say disparaging things about deep red states where Republicans proudly flaunt their absolute worst politicians and policies – and where even a visit to some of those states is a reminder that people really do believe some of the worst things said by the former guy and Marjorie Taylor Greene.

I can vouch for the fact that you’ll also meet some of these people in reliably blue states when volunteering with a campaign. What’s important to remember, is that even the reddest of red states are populated with people that are highly dependent on the social programs Republicans are determined to gut, who need access to reproductive healthcare and laws that protect LGBT rights.

Vice President Harris, traveling to Tennessee on Friday, made that clear when she met with the two lawmakers expelled from the state general assembly – a moment that put two significant issues shaking the nation front and center as she stood with them against a party that puts the sale of firearms over democracy.

Republicans really thought they could get away with this stunt with no repercussions – but now they’re being forced to play defense on two egregious acts. Despite spending much of the week sulking about the former guy’s arraignment and how it would supposedly fire up their voters, they’ve managed to do something much more egregious and fire up a whole lot more voters that would’ve stayed on the sidelines. Let’s do everything we can to vote them out of office everywhere in 2023 and 2024.

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