Republicans in disarray

Hey, it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against him. Click here to donate $25 or $50.

It’s not even the end of January, and the Republican House Caucus is already in disarray. Speaker Mike Johnson has sparked fury. The reason for this fury is that he came out and said House Republicans will not support a solution for the border.

Unless: Johnson said there is but one way he will throw his support behind a potential solution. Donald John Trump or another Republican must win the White House.

I must pause here to remark on something. What a stupid man this Johnson is. I had thought the depths of stupidity Kevin McCarthy brought to the job could never be replicated. I apologize. I was wrong. These comments from Johnson came on a Sunday night phone call with House Republicans.

The Senate — Democrats and Republicans — had worked together to carve out a solution. Johnson will not accept it. Steve Scalise said the Senate bill is DOA (dead on arrival). Johnson also reportedly said the border issue can only be solved once a Republican is president.

I can understand that. After all, if it was solved NOW, Biden might get credit for it! We can’t have THAT happen, can we? Only now they’ve gone and done it. Johnson has made EVERYONE furious at him. Florida Democratic Rep. Maxwell Frost said out loud what everyone was thinking.

“There it is! They don’t want to fix anything, and immigration and the border are just talking points to campaign on.” Exactly right. Republicans don’t care about solving any problems for any Americans, and I use as my evidence these fools themselves.

Can anyone name one policy they’ve enacted that helped one person in the last ten years? Give it a good old-fashioned try. But I bet nobody can because there IS no such policy.

Speaker Johnson is so mind-numbingly, breathtakingly stupid. Remember when Kevin McCarthy was originally running for speaker, and he admitted on camera that Republicans set out to drive Hillary Clinton’s poll numbers down?

This is much of the same. For some reason, Republicans cannot seem to stop electing morons to this festering hole of a job, perhaps because only morons would take the job in the first place. I am beside myself with enthusiasm, as I imagine the campaign ads. We are truly in an election race against stupidity itself.

Hey, it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against him. Click here to donate $25 or $50.