Republicans have a single woman problem

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Republicans have a single woman problem. This is being widely talked about. Maybe because single women contributed widely to the Democrats doing so well in the 2022 midterms.

And this has the GOP worried. Because frankly, the GOP has no idea what to DO with the voting block of single women nor how to talk to them. Mary Mailman, the former legal advisor to Donald trump, wrote an article trying to push Republicans to speak more to single women and offering tips on inclusiveness.

She mentioned that almost 70 percent of single women voted for democrats. That’s a considerable number. Now, why do you suppose that is? I think it’s because single women rightly sense that republicans hate them. Republicans have ripped away roe, threatened to take away birth control, talked down to single women, laughed at all women, and much more.

And some candidates like Ohio’s JD Vance have even openly mocked women for being single. Going back to the article by Mailman, she counsels republicans to avoid promising “handouts,” saying single women voting democrat is not primarily an income issue. I would not agree with that.

Not that single women ask for “handouts” whatever she means by that. (Nothing good, I’m sure.) But it isn’t as simple as that. One must look at other things. Fair pay between men and women. Democrats support that. Republicans do not.

Raising the minimum wage. Democrats support that. Republicans do not. Paid family leave. Social security. I could go on. All of these things DO contribute to income. In other words, single women may choose democrats because they fight for many things having to do with income, including social security, medicare, and equal pay. When was the last time one heard a republican, for example, mention the minimum wage?

This article which seems happy to label democratic women as “victims,” also advises talking to women about contraception and explaining to women they (Republicans) do not intend to outlaw it.

My answer is someone may want to alert Clarence Thomas to that. The problem with this article and with these theories, in general, is they do not address the main issue. Republicans have a woman problem because they don’t care about women, period.

If they did, they’d have shown it. Actions ALWAYS speak louder than words, and there have been few actions on the part of the GOP acknowledging single women even exist, let alone that they care about them.

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