Republicans are already screwing up their State of the Union response

President Joe Biden is giving his State of the Union on Tuesday. So mark off some time to watch because it will be an excellent one. It is set to start around 9:00 PM, eastern.

Reportedly President Biden plans to concentrate on some of the Democrats most significant accomplishments, like the inflation reduction act. Many are saying he will announce his reelection bid in the upcoming weeks shortly after the speech.

And Republicans are glum over the upcoming state of the union. Reportedly several Republicans are fuming at Kevin McCarthy for helping to provide security for the event. That figures.

And the GOP has chosen the republican to rebuttal to Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

From the my point of view, this selection was one of the worst choices the GOP could have made. Sanders is a bridge too far for many people, especially moderates. She is known to have lied when she worked for the trump administration and isn’t particularly charismatic.

One would have thought the GOP would pick someone a little more likable. But then again, the GOP never HAS chosen well.

I remember when Senator Tim Scott was picked and Senator Marco Rubio. Both failed miserably, and in fact, Rubio, in particular, was mocked for his amazing thirst for water, which seemed a lot more important to him than the gibberish he was spewing.

So I expect Sanders to flub as well. I also would not be surprised if some of the more wacky republicans do not even bother to show up – and that’s fine. This upcoming state of the union is expected to garner high ratings and be very powerful, and I can’t wait.

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