Republican candidate just said the quiet part out loud

The GOP has long tried to pride itself on being the party of national security, both at home and abroad – even though they typically manage to fare poorly on both levels: with domestic terrorists among their membership and commonly bonding with despots across the globe who are committed to ending democracy one way or another.

One of their favorite issues is the border, which they routinely like to portray Democrats as weak on, regardless of the relatively secure borders and reduced border crossings that happened in both the Obama and Biden administrations. This year, however, President Biden managed to force the GOP’s hand on the issue of the border – making them go back on everything they initially demanded for border security.

Now it turns out, the GOP has done something even dumber. The GOP candidate for senate in Montana, Tim Sheehy just said the quiet part aloud: If elected, he would vote to take down the Dept. of Homeland Security.

This is a big deal – another reason to get behind his opponent: incumbent Sen. Jon Tester – a strong Democrat who has beaten the odds twice already. Not only do Dems have everything going well for them in the battle to retake the Senate, but now we’re clearly seeing wedges on what the GOP was hoping to make their issue for 2024. Republicans are the “open border” party and they couldn’t care less about national security – and now their candidates are openly admitting it.

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