The real reason Emmet Flood joined Donald Trump’s sinking ship today

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Donald Trump lost two more members of his ramshackle legal defense team today, as his Trump-Russia attorney Ty Cobb and his White House Counsel Don McGahn both decided to clear a path to the exits. This came after he’s already lost John Dowd, Mark Kasowitz, Joe DiGenova, and Victoria Toensing from his legal team, with numerous other potential attorneys have reportedly turned him down. So why is a respected attorney like Emmet Flood suddenly joining Trump’s sinking ship while everyone else is fleeing it?

Emmet Flood was Bill Clinton’s impeachment lawyer, and he was good at it. But that was an entirely different situation. Clinton had technically broken the law, but only by lying under oath about his sex life in an unrelated deposition where the question had no business even being asked. Flood knew there was no way the public was going to stomach Clinton being removed from office over it, so all he had to do was represent him competently, and he would win. Flood is surely savvy enough to understand that the evidence against Donald Trump is going to take him down. So why take on a losing case?

It may depend on what the sequence of events actually was today. Various major media reports have said that Donald Trump has spent a month or more trying and failing to convince Flood to join his team. It’s possible Flood finally decided today that he really did want the job, which prompted Cobb to resign because he’d been made irrelevant. It’s also possible that Cobb quit today because he wanted out, and that prompted Flood to reluctantly take the job because he felt like he had a patriotic duty to make sure that someone was representing the President of the United States on his way down, much like a public defender would feel a duty to represent a client who is clearly guilty and who is clearly going to be convicted.

It’s also notable that Donald Trump is stashing Emmet Flood on the White House payroll, yet another sign that Trump is every bit as broke as comedian Michelle Wolf recently asserted. This means that Trump and Flood will have no attorney-client privilege, meaning that Flood is just sort of there. Then again, Ty Cobb was also on the White House payroll, and he seemed to be just sort of there. Is Flood doing this out of a patriotic desire to keep Trump’s demise orderly? Is he only in it for a paycheck? We doubt he’s willing to go along with Trump’s ongoing illegal obstruction antics. We’re about to learn a lot about Emmet Flood’s true character.

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