Rachel Maddow debunks Sean Hannity’s Trump lunacy

The conspiracy theories being espoused by Sean Hannity and other Donald Trump supporters of that ilk have officially been debunked. For much of the past year, they have constantly used previously-debunked talking points in a failed effort to deny facts or promote a smear campaign against Special Counsel Robert Mueller and top FBI leaders.

One such claim was that the Steele Dossier was not only proven wrong, but also that it was the only reason for the FBI to begin investigating the Trump campaign’s involvement with Russia. While nothing in the dossier has yet to be disproven, and more of it is proven correct nearly daily, it is now common knowledge that Trump advisor George Papadopoulos spilled the initial beans while getting drunk with an Australian ambassador.

Despite being debunked multiple times by experts, the Uranium One conspiracy continues to be mentioned in an attempt to pin blame on Hillary Clinton and Mueller. When Fox News feels it’s necessary to spend time further proving this claim wrong, one would think it has completely been debunked. And yet one claim continues to be spread by many on Fox News. With the only purpose being to hurt the credibility of previous FBI Director James Comey and recently fired (just two days short of retirement) FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, Hannity continues to say that they “leaked” top secret information to the public.

Completely destroying this claim, Rachel Maddow shared recently obtained handwritten notes on her television show on Tuesday night. These notes, written by former Acting Attorney General Dana Boente, corroborate James Comey’s testimony to the Senate last year. It was also revealed that the notes, originally marked Top Secret, were actually not classified at all. Not only do we now have confirmation that Comey’s testimony was accurate, but also that nothing classified was ever shared with the public. While this won’t stop Hannity et al. from doing everything they can to save Trump, at least we know they have to try a little harder next time to come up with something slightly believable.

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