Pull the plug

As I’ve noted before, there’s an immediate, transactional reason why MAGA hates Dr Anthony Fauci. When Fauci served as Donald Trump’s chief medical advisor during the Covid pandemic he was wise, sane, and he had the uncommonly bad taste to occasionally contradict Donald Trump. This infuriated Trump. So MAGA hates Fauci because Trump hates Fauci.

As I’ve noted before, there’s an immediate, transactional reason why MAGA loves Vladimir Putin. Throughout his presidency, Trump often praised and sided with Putin. There’s the shocking Helsinki conference where Trump actually sided with Putin against the conclusions of all 17 of his intelligence agencies. So MAGA loves Putin because Trump loves Putin.

In a recent, rambling, near incoherent speech at one of his Nuremberg-style rallies, Donald Trump blasted Israel and Israel’s prime minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu. It seems that Netanyahu has been praising President Joe Biden for his benign intervention in the recent crisis in Gaza, and the Israeli government has been registering its gratitude by erecting billboards with Biden’s smiling picture and the words “Thank you, Mr President.” So very soon now, MAGA will start to hate Israel and Netanyahu because Trump hates Israel and Netanyahu.

If MAGA can be said to have a policy, it’s whatever whim Donald Trump’s incoherent brain manufactures during one of his fits of rage, or what bizarre acclaim he awards to one of his favourite dictators. No one can be sure on what dime Trump’s antipathies and priorities will turn next, but you can bet whichever it is, MAGA will turn with him. Just give it a little time to catch up.

Trump also praised Hezbollah in the same speech as “smart.” The Biden administration was not pleased, to say the least. Biden spokesman Andrew Bates said in a statement on Thursday that what Trump said about Hezbollah was “dangerous and unhinged.” He elaborated by saying, “It’s completely lost on us why any American would ever praise an Iran-backed terrorist organisation as ‘smart.’ … This is a time for all of us to stand shoulder to shoulder with Israel against unadulterated evil.”

The Israelis were similarly disgusted. Israeli Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi was bluntly critical of Trump, angrily stating that It is “shameful that a man like that, a former U.S. president, abets propaganda and disseminates things that wound the spirit of Israel’s fighters and its citizens.”

So apart from being a stochastic threat to the safety of American citizens such as Trey Moss, Ruby Freeman, general Mark Milley, Fani Willis and Justice Arthur F Engoron, just to name a few, Trump is also proving to be a deadly threat to America’s and Israel’s national security during this time of crisis. Of course he is.

Jack Smith and Fani Willlis, if you’re listening, it’s time to call for the revocation of Donald Trump’s bail. Trump is a clear and present danger to the American government and America’s citizens. Trump is a clear and present danger to the governments and citizens of the world. Trump’s mouth is a deadly weapon that he’s constantly shooting off like the moron he is.

How much worse does it have to be? How much longer can Trump be allowed to remain free before more people die, before more national secrets are leaked and before more harm is done to the safety and security of the United States and the rest of the world? Trump needs to go to jail today. Today. And he needs to stay there. And, as ever, ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, comrades and friends, stay safe.

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