Donald Trump’s rant about “produce” goes horribly awry

It took him a year and a half, but Donald Trump is finally acknowledging that the Resistance against him exists. Now he’s lashing out at the “RESIST” mantra, and launching one of his own: “PRODUCE.” Suffice it to say that it didn’t go particularly well for him.

Here’s what Trump tweeted in the midst of a bizarre rant: “Elect more Republicans in November and we will pass the finest, fairest and most comprehensive Immigration Bills anywhere in the world. Right now we have the dumbest and the worst. Dems are doing nothing but Obstructing. Remember their motto, RESIST! Ours is PRODUCE!” The pushback against his new slogan came fast and furious.

One commenter on Twitter took umbrage with the idea that Trump has produced anything: “With a Republican majority in House, Senate and Supreme Court you have produced nothing. Gas prices rising, nations once our allies incensed at us, insurance costs skyrocketing, middle class evaporating.” Another commenter chose to focus on Trump’s criminal scandals: “Don’t get totally down on him, he’s on track to produce more indictments and lawsuits than any other president in history.” Another respondent went low: “The only produce relating to you is that fetid head of lettuce attached to top of a series of over-inflated wrinkled chins.”

This came after Donald Trump tacitly acknowledged the existence of the “Blue Wave” which has seen Democratic candidates outperform in every election since the unpopular Trump took office. Naturally, Trump took the delusional route, insisting there’s a “Red Wave” instead: “We can pass great legislation after the Red Wave!” The replies to this were even more off the wall, for reasons you can probably figure out on your own. Trump is suddenly focused on bad slogans. Instead, the Resistance is focused on liberating his immigrant child camps, and Special Counsel Robert Mueller is focused on spending him to prison.

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