President Biden’s Secretary of Defense just took out Trump’s trash

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Shortly before Donald Trump was booted from office, he appointed a whole swath of his loyalists to various Pentagon advisory board positions. This set off an array of speculation about what he was hoping to accomplish, along with doomsday predictions about how President Biden would never be able to get rid of them.

But tonight, Biden’s Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin simply removed everyone from every Pentagon advisory board, thus ensuring that Trump’s last minute appointees were removed as part of the process. As the Wall Street Journal points out, this insulates the Biden administration from accusations that it selectively ousted Trump’s appointees for partisan reasons. Austin can now surely rebuild whatever new Pentagon advisory boards he feels are appropriate and useful.

Some think Trump’s goal in appointing these people was to reward them with paying gigs that they’d be able to hang onto indefinitely. Others think Trump’s goal was to install spies going forward. Still others think Trump was merely trying to create chaos for Biden, in the form of a problem that would take months or years to resolve. But whatever Trump was trying to do, it sure didn’t last long. Trump never did have a magic wand, and this is the latest reminder that many of his evil schemes were simply stupid and didn’t work out for him.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report