President Biden just reached a major landmark

If you’re into politics, you’ll probably get frustrated every so often that your side of the political aisle isn’t acting fast enough at accomplishing whatever you feel is the most significant goal. This is true whether your beliefs are liberal or conservative and sometimes anywhere in between. The problem is what you feel is the most important thing is fairly limited based on what you know and what the politicians themselves know, as well as what leverage they have on any particular task. What it doesn’t mean – regardless of how the media tries to spin it – is that both sides are exactly the same.

A number of right-wingers like to say it, but they usually say it as a last resort, when no one is buying their other ridiculous talking points. They’ll nearly always walk away from the argument voting for the Republican candidate – particularly when it’s a vote for president – because they know that the Republican will routinely pick only the most right-wing federal judges that will advance things like pro-life causes and loose interpretations of the second amendment. This is why the damage done by Republican presidents can last for decades after they leave office.

Fortunately, when President Biden took office, he took advantage of judicial appointments in the way his Republican predecessors once did and began appointments at record pace – with over 100 new nominees confirmed to the bench by the Senate as of Tuesday – also the most diverse slate of candidates with over one dozen women of color appointed thus far. This is the most ever appointed by any president in history – and will be significant in protecting all of the progressive legislation the administration has created since its first day in office. It’s a major reason why we need not only Democratic presidents in charge – but why a Democratic controlled Senate is crucial as well – particularly with Republicans now controlling the House.

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