Past is prologue

Republicans never got over Nixon resigning. Think about it. Roger Stone tattooed Nixon’s face on his back like a tramp stamp. The Republican Party had to force Nixon to resign because the senate had enough Republican votes for a two-thirds majority needed for his removal from office. Ever since then, they have been trying to finish Nixon’s agenda of rigging elections.

Republicans found the weakness in our government, the unelected third branch, and have been exploiting the judiciary for decades. The first party in U.S. history to try to stop the peaceful transition of power after Trump lost the 2020 election is now close to having the SCOTUS grant their criminal-in-chief “presidential immunity” from his crimes. They don’t care that it would give the same immunity to Biden, because they know a Democrat would never abuse that power.

At the same time, Republicans are cheering the SCOTUS for punting Jack Smith’s request for an expedited decision on immunity back to the DC Circuit Court of Appeals, because it could delay the trial for the same crimes for which Trump is seeking presidential immunity.

Three of the same Republicans behind getting the SCOTUS to jump the appeals process and hand the 2000 election to G.W. Bush are now U.S. Supreme Court justices. The GOP has stacked the highest court hoping to exempt Trump from crimes, while also wanting to delay that ruling so his criminal trials are delayed until after the 2024 election, all to give him the best chance of winning. (Note: Some experts argue the decision to send the ruling back being unanimous signals the leftwing justices believe it will not delay the trial).

We all saw and heard Trump commit crimes with our own eyes and ears. Yet Republicans are trying to steal another Presidency, and hand it to their criminal mob boss. They’re desperately betting everything on November 5, 2024, knowing this is their last chance. If they get Trump re-installed, they will never give up the office again. That would make up for Nixon getting booted out of the White House in disgrace, while he continued to deny, deny, deny, saying “I am not a crook.”

Why do I always harp on “past is prologue” with the Republican party? Because if we understand and expose why they behave the way they do, we diffuse it. So Merry Christmas to the party of Christian values, who cruelly cage innocent immigrants while refusing to solve a border crisis so they can use it against Democrats; who endanger women by denying safe healthcare; who refuse to do anything about the guns killing children in schools. Enjoy your creepy Christmas, Republicans, because come Christmas 2024 you’ll be crying.

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