Police and FBI reportedly investigating Roger Stone

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Last week a recording surfaced of Roger Stone allegedly discussing a plan to take out multiple members of Congress and kidnap a federal prosecutor. Stone claimed that the recording was a fake made by AI. But the question was whether this was going to become a criminal matter.

Now Mediaite, which originally obtained and published the recording, is reporting today that the Capitol Police are indeed investigating Roger Stone over the matter – with assistance from the FBI.

Forensic technology can prove whether it’s really Roger Stone on the recording. If so, he may try to argue that he was merely joking. But even joking about targeting officers of the federal government can be a crime. It’s made worse for Stone that he was making the remarks to an off duty member of the NYPD.

We’ll see where this goes. Not all police investigations result in criminal charges. But the fact that Roger Stone is now under investigation is a good reminder that people don’t just “get away” with these kinds of things. There’s a process, and Stone could end up looking at serious legal consequences.

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