Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un are playing us with their weird new announcement

With his Russia scandal and his Stormy Daniels scandal both now worsening by the hour, Donald Trump is in desperate need of a distraction. His trade war didn’t help him any, and he lacks the political muscle to get away with starting a real war, but now his big distraction has arrived after all. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is announcing that he’s willing to meet with Trump to discuss some kind of deal. In a word, the whole thing is rather clearly bullshit.

Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un are both Russian puppets. Russia does black market trade with North Korea in violation of international sanctions, keeping Kim in power and keeping him under control. We all know how Russia took ownership of Trump. The ongoing public war of words between Trump and Kim has always been rather obviously choreographed to give Trump as a distraction from his scandals as needed, and to give Kim the credibility boost of getting to publicly take on the President of the United States.

It’s why, for all the barbs they’ve traded, absolutely nothing has happened between the United States and North Korea in terms of military action. Of course by now, all but the most gullible of observers have figured this out. The continued back-and-forth threats of war are no longer serving as a proper distraction for Trump. And so now Trump and Kim are trying it the other way. They’re going to sit down at the table and pretend they’re negotiating some kind of peaceful resolution to the would-be war that neither of them ever had any intention of going through with.

In other words, this is merely the next chapter in Donald Trump’s desperate desire to distract from his increasingly gripping criminal scandals. It’s likely that Russia has arranged this sudden meeting between its two puppets, and the outcome of their meeting has surely already been scripted out on all sides. Unfortunately, South Korea is playing along with this farce because, well, it has to. It can’t be seen as antithetical to a potential peace process with the North. But this is all a joke. We’ll see how much or little the American media is willing to help Trump out by going along with this ruse.

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