Perfect timing: SDNY’s Geoffrey Berman is testifying to the House Judiciary Committee

Today the SDNY and its new Acting U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss arrested Jeffrey Epstein’s alleged co-conspirator Ghislaine Maxwell. It served as a reminder that when Donald Trump and Bill Barr managed to oust Geoffrey Berman from the SDNY two weeks ago, they failed to take control of the SDNY’s criminal cases.

It’s now clear that Berman sacrificed his job and career in order to keep the SDNY intact, confirming that he’s one of the good guys. Now Berman is taking the next logical step by testifying to the House Judiciary Committee next week. CNN says that the testimony will be behind closed doors, which make sense, as he’ll be asked about ongoing criminal cases that can’t be discussed publicly. But here’s the thing.

We’ve consistently seen that whenever someone testifies to Congress behind closed doors, various committee members quickly begin giving the non-secret portions of the testimony to the media. So next week we should start seeing headlines revealing just what Trump and Barr were really up to when they ousted Berman and tried to take over the SDNY.

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