Donald Trump prepares to throw another one of his people under the bus

Hi, it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Donald Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against him. Click here to donate $25 or $50.

Dan Coats may not be the Director of National Intelligence we deserve, but he is the Director we have, and weโ€™re grateful heโ€™s there. Coats is one of the few people left in the Trump Administration who has real experience. However, it’s being widely reported that the top-ranking intelligence official may be on his way out for failing to please his master.

Donald Trump, the self-appointed dictator of the United States, is truly transforming into The Emperor with No Clothes. He only wants to hear his own opinion reflected back to him, instead of the actual truth. Coats may be Trumpโ€™s last hope of getting any legitimate advice, but considering Trump does not listen to Coats anyways, heโ€™ll be left shivering in the cold. In fact, itโ€™s certain that Trumpโ€™s nakedness is already on display, as his thin-skinned approach has left him prey to every dictator on the planet.

Trump is not playing a team sport; therefore, he does not appreciate incorruptible support staff, and Dan Coats is the latest person in his crosshairs. Coats says he would have advised Trump against a private meeting with Putin, had Trump even consulted him on the matter. Trump, though, would rather listen to Putin.

It’s being reported the Donald spent all weekend at Mar-a-Lago running his mouth to a bunch of old farts in fur coats about how unhappy he is with Dan Coats. Trump would prefer a Director of National Intelligence who does what Trump says, because he canโ€™t comprehend a world of experts who know better than he does. It goes further than that. Trump feels Coats is making him look bad in front of the other dictators, by contradicting him in public.

Three weeks ago, Dan Coats publicly testified he did not agree with Donald Trumpโ€™s personal assessment that North Korea is on the road to denuclearization. Coats advised, because thatโ€™s his job, that Kim Jong Un’s sovereignty depends too much on the nuclear threat, because it allows him to stay in the illusion of power on the international stage. Therefore, he is not motivated to disarm, but is motivated to โ€œappearโ€ to disarm. Trump, feeling nervous about his upcoming summit with North Korea, is still grumbling that Coats is undermining his relationship with Kim Jong un. The real issue is, why is this sick man, Donald Trump, endorsing Kim Jong unโ€™s agenda, instead of elevating the discourse?

Hi, it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Donald Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against him. Click here to donate $25 or $50.