Paradise lost

Writers write about what they know, and what I know is that I have wonderful friends. My best friend from childhood is the best of the best. Many years ago, she went on vacation. She fell in love with the island she was visiting — and didn’t come home — for many years. She moved there. And why wouldn’t she? This island was paradise. With its lush and breathtaking beaches, gorgeous tropical plants, and overall beauty, it seemed like pure serenity. Who would not fall in love with this place?
Only right now, this magical island has a bit of a problem. And that problem is — it’s burning. What’s happening in Maui should scare the shit out of everyone. It certainly did for me. Millions are watching, incredulously as the beautiful island paradise burns — and burns — and burns.
As of the time of my writing, 36 people are dead. Homes have been lost. People continue to flee. This, of course, is because of climate change. I should write about this topic more often. The fact is, I admit I was late to the game. But we ALL need to take this issue seriously — very seriously.
“I call it summer.” That was the flippant comment of a Republican when asked about climate change. As surely as the sun sets, you know that Republicans do not believe in climate change. At least, most of them don’t. The ones that do? They couldn’t seem to care less.
So this is yet another issue we must keep in the national news for 2024. It’s an issue where we can save lives because we’re the only party that gives a damn. Republicans don’t give a damn. They have shown us that over — and over — and over.
And even as paradise is lost for so many in Maui, other states need our help too. EARTH needs our help. And voters — particularly in states that are being so profoundly affected KNOW this. My gosh, how I feel for the people of Maui right now. With all my heart, I wish I could do something to help them.
It turns out I can. And one thing I can do is to write articles like this one, urging people to share it and encouraging people to educate others on this very crucial issue that affects every human being walking the planet today. Because we want Earth to thrive, and so we MUST win in 2024. We must save this planet and everyone in it.