Panic in the streets

Dear Palmer Report readers: it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against Trump. Click here to donate $25 or $50.

Have you ever received one of “those emails?” The emails I refer to are usually from someone claiming to be your long-lost cousin — or friend — or acquaintance. And they tell you you have millions of dollars they want to send you. They just need your bank account number.

Of course, it isn’t a friend. It’s a fraudster. It is usually what people jokingly refer to as a “Nigerian Prince scam.” And we sometimes laugh. We always delete. Only some people don’t. There are real people who have fallen victim to this scam, usually the elderly.

It is abysmal. And I am bringing it up because what the GOP is doing is not that much different. People fall victim to scams every day. And that is what the GOP is — one giant scam designed to cause fear, to cause panic in the streets.

They get their votes from this panic. Whether it be creating panic over the unnamed coming for your guns, coming to “groom” your children, or coming to endanger your very way of life, the ultimate goal is panic in the streets.

Fox Non-news knows the politics of panic very well. They’ve made it their bread and butter. You will never tune into Fox and hear feel-good stories about what politicians are doing FOR them. You will hear what Politicians are doing TO them. Usually, it is designed to create panic in the streets.

Recently Christian preacher Mike Winger had a caller ask about people who have murdered someone in the name of God. This awful man told the caller one should always listen to God — even if that means committing murder.

Countless wars have been started in the name of religion. It’s big bucks. Panic is big bucks. Creating fear is a multi-million dollar industry.

It is important to know the enemy, and we know Fox and the Alt-right well. I say whenever the panic in the streets offense is launched, we meet it by going on offense — not defense — and call it out for what it is.

Dear Palmer Report readers: it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against Trump. Click here to donate $25 or $50.