Donald Trump is out of gas

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Once Donald Trump realized yesterday that Joe Biden was about to be declared the winner of the election, Trump decided to go golfing instead of trying to mount any sort of PR effort. Then he sat back and let Rudy Giuliani hold a press conference in front of a landscaping store.

Today has been Trump’s first full day of being the election loser, meaning he had all last night to figure out what his gameplan was for today. All he ended up doing was posting a series of whiny and false tweets which quickly got slapped with warning labels about being false. This is the best he could come up with?

One of Trump’s tweets appeared to tease that he could be calling in to the Mark Levin show on Fox News. But after a number of people tuned in just to see what wacky things Trump might say, it turned out he wasn’t even on the show.

What is Trump even doing? The answer appears to be “nothing.” CNN just reported that there’s nothing even on his official schedule tomorrow. As we keep pointing out, Trump’s focus during the transition period will ultimately end up being entirely about trying to give himself a softer landing with regard to the criminal charges and financial troubles he’s about to face once he leaves office. But for now he appears to be too dejected to even focus on that. He’s sitting there, pouting, like the loser that he is.

Hi it's Bill Palmer. I need your help! Please contribute $5 or more to help with Palmer Reportโ€™s ongoing operating expenses: Donate Here.