Orrin Hatch goes off the deep end as Brett Kavanaugh circles the drain

Just how much trouble is the Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court nomination in? Even Fox News now agrees with Palmer Report’s assessment that Mitch McConnell doesn’t have the votes to get it done. There have been a few Republican Senators in particular who have made it their personal mission to get Kavanaugh confirmed. One of them is Orrin Hatch. Suffice it to say that he’s not taking things well.

While speaking with a group of reporters on Capitol Hill this afternoon, Orrin Hatch looked visibly tired and haggard. When he was asked about the latest sexual assault and rape accusation against Brett Kavanaugh, he referred to it as a “phony” accusation. When he was asked how he knew it was phony, he said “Because I know it is, that’s why.” Hatch went on to blame the Democrats for the fact that so many allegations are now surfacing. He then added “It’s not untypical for our friends on the other side to pull that kind of crap” before walking away.

Hatch isn’t the only GOP Senate leader who suddenly seems unsure of what to do next. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley seems to have checked out entirely, and instead he’s begun tweeting about squirrels. Lindsey Graham, who appeared on Sean Hannity’s show tonight in defense of Kavanaugh, seems to want us to think that the nomination can still be salvaged.

So maybe this is over and maybe it’s not. But now that swing vote Susan Collins is calling for Brett Kavanaugh’s second accuser Deborah Ramirez to testify before the committee, and calling for the hearings to be dragged out even further in order to make it happen, it’s clear that the GOP Senate is no longer on the same page. Meanwhile the third Kavanaugh accuser, an unidentified woman represented by Michael Avenatti, is about to go public. No wonder Orrin Hatch is muttering resentful things under his breath and walking away from those asking him about it.

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