One more move on the chess board

The best revolutions are the ones that know what they’re fighting for and do it as a team. And that is precisely what we — you and I and many others — are doing in our quest to put Trumpism behind us.
I was going to start this article with a report on Herschel Walker’s latest snafu – and there are many. But I am tired of speaking of him. I’d rather talk about our quiet yet mighty revolution and how we MUST work together to get Senator Warnock over the finish line.
Warnock, in his short time in office, has already shown us he is the gold standard in how to conduct oneself as a Senator. I am banking on Georgians to recognize that fact. And we must bank on each other. Because, make no mistake — what we have built — together — is a revolution.
Time and time again, we have defied the odds. You’d think they’d give us credit, right? One would think our accomplishments would be all over emblazoned in gold. But that’s not how any of this works. The truth is we are fighting not just Republicans but many in the media who gleefully point to junk polls and their ongoing mantra of “Democrats in disarray.”
The best revolutions know not just what they’re fighting against but who they’re fighting for. We fight for justice. We fight for all states to have a voice. And we fight for Senator Warnock.
So in these last few days, let’s donate and phone bank and door knock and tweet and WORK OUR MAGIC once again. It is going to require concentration and teamwork, but we can do it. We are not extremists or filled with hate like Maga is. All we desire is change — good change — revolutionary change.
And with 51 Senate seats — we can feel safe and reassured that we have the best of the best. So lets all pitch in for Senator Warnock. Frankly, I can think of few things better in politics right now than another term for one of our best Senators.