Oh shut up, Donald Trump

Another day, another meltdown from our traitor. Donald Trump, perhaps sensing that his days of freedom are limited, let it all hang out on truth social. “The special counsel wants to indict me!!!!” Why yes, Donald, indeed he does. Sorry if you’re just NOW figuring that out. “On the boxes hoax!”

Hoax? Hoax? There’s no hoax here, Donald. And why did you take them anyway? What were you planning to do with them, Donald, my traitor?


When Donald writes in all caps, one knows he is terrified. This was one such occasion.

“Biden crimes go unpunished!”

President Biden doesn’t commit any crimes, Donnie. That is what YOU do. Why can’t you get it through your thick skull that few are listening to you, and if they are, it is for reasons other than sympathy?

“This is real OBSTRUCTION!”

Oh, do shut up, Donnie dear.

Trump is getting wildly out of control because he knows there might be an indictment this week. He sees the writing on the wall.

And though it isn’t nice to laugh at people experiencing angry meltdowns, Trump is the exception to that rule.

He’s made himself the exception.

Trump also said that those that wish to indict him are seeking retribution for Biden’s crimes which makes no sense, but this IS the Donald, and when, oh when, has he ever made sense?

Trump closed out his meltdown with these words:


The transference in these words is mind-boggling.

In any event — this likely isn’t half of what’s to come. Trump knows he’s about to be in up to his neck. He can’t figure out how to get out of the mess he and he alone created. And we’re all having a jolly time watching him try.

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