Michael Cohen’s friend hints at Cohen going “nuclear” against Donald Trump

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In the two months since the FBI raided the home and office of Donald Trump’s longtime fixer Michael Cohen, we’ve seen Trump spend a lot of time trying to distance himself from Cohen’s actions, while putting very little effort into defending Cohen. Now that Cohen is just eight days away from a major evidence deadline that could serve as a de facto decision point for whether he’s going to cut a plea deal, one of Cohen’s friends is hinting about which way Cohen is leaning.

MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace hosted a panel today to discuss what Michael Cohen might do next. One of the participants on that panel: Cohen’s friend, radio host Donny Deutsch. The panel debated whether or not Cohen will end up cutting a plea deal. Deutsch described Cohen as being “very angry at this point.” He was then asked if Cohen is more angry at Trump or at the government. Deutsch then added “I think he’s angry with misguided loyalty … and I believe there could be some nuclear things coming.”

Deutsch didn’t specifically elaborate on what he meant by “nuclear things.” But it’s not difficult to figure out that he’s talking about Michael Cohen cutting a plea deal against Donald Trump and giving up Trump’s dirtiest secrets. Cohen has spent years being knee deep in Trump’s Russia plot, his shady business deals, and his payoffs to various accusers. Although Cohen is accused of the kinds of crimes that could potentially land him in prison for the rest of his life, it wouldn’t be shocking to see the Feds offer him a plea deal involving just a few years in prison, if he gives up everything on Trump. There’s also another factor.

Michael Cohen’s former business associate the “Taxi King” recently cut a plea deal and agreed to give up everything he knows about Cohen. This sharply reduced the odds of Cohen being able to win at trial. Some observers think Trump might try to pardon Cohen, though that notion seemingly went out the window when Trump declined to pardon Michael Flynn before he spilled his guts. In any case, if Cohen is indeed “very angry” at Trump, and regretting his own “misguided loyalty” to Trump, then he doesn’t sound like a guy who’s counting on a pardon.

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